Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ben Stein Expelled No Intelligence Allowed

this is a propaganda film by Ben Stein that is trying to pose as a documentary supporting Intelligent Design AKA: creationism AKA: GOD DONE IT. only difference is creationism says "god" (the Judeo-Christian one) made everything, and intelligent design says "higher intelligence" wow wasn't that was a tough one to crack. intelligent design is not science, but pseudoscience... you may wanna check out the Scientific Method you dumb cunt!

but let's just roll with it for argument sake. if a god created everything, who or what made god? intelligent design is a theory that implodes.

the trailer [7:36m, 17.1 MB] (notice all comments require "approval") attempts to discredit the theory (within the scientific context) of evolution, he said that evolution said "the Universe, and everything in it, are merely the result of pure, dumb fate and chance". (insert "wrong answer" sound from random quiz game show here) Evolution by Natural Selection is anything but "fate and chance" you fucking ignorant prick! it very basically means “survival of the fittest”... even Ben Stein should be able to under stand that concept (but i'm not willing to bet on it)

he goes on to say that (Americans, and possibly other developed nations) "after all we believe in a free society, this isn't Nazi Germany" now putting aside the debate (that's just one of my favorite examples) about how "free" our societies are... the implying that not including intelligent design with science is Nazi-like... WTF! how did you come to that conclusion? It's a drawing a fucking long bow and epic distortion of the facts ...or maybe, just maybe, he's saying that the scientific community is a not very nice because they don't buy into the same BULLSHIT religion as him. intelligent design is not being welcomed within the scientific community because IT ISN'T FUCKING SCIENCE.

and something that's really quite perplexing, he said "regard humankind as carrying the spark of the divine" i don't know about you, but that doesn't sound very scientific to me. sounds like a static answer, where as science changes as information is discovered and theories developed.

he also claims that according to Abiogenesis, the origins of life came from "mud animated by lighting"... (Queue sound) WRONG!!... AGAIN! you fucking ignorant prick! (to do: insert more nasty words here) there's a little more to it then water + dirt + lightning = life. now for a car analogy (yes i love /.) that's like saying "liquid + car + key = go". IT'S JUST PLAIN FUCKING STUPID!

Richard Sternburg who published some half ass article by Dr. Steven C. Meyer from the "Discovery Institute" (basically a group of bible scholars trying to pose as research scientists, to further impose their beliefs), and got ostracised for it (should be laughed out of the gene pool too). he claims that he wants to "follow the evidence wherever it leads". that would be good, if only he had some FUCKING EVIDENCE, which the bible is not. again putting aside the debate about the origins and purpose of the bible and religion in general (also).

this quote from Ben Stien really gives me the shits, “digital code in our DNA could have come about by accident” (wonder if he knows what DNA means without looking it up... And RNA too?). he doesn't understand the scientific method, nor the theories and how the evidence works that supports them. what a uneducated FUCK STAIN! he uses the term "accident" when "chance" is more suited to his (and others) misunderstanding (spin maybe?). time for a real quick simple dumb down lesson in evolution (Ben Stien, and supporters.. try to keep up) It's starting out simple and PROGRESSIVELY CHANGING from generation to generation. and for argument sake, let's say it was a "accident", why couldn't it of happened? (notice he doesn't explain) and even if it was and the chances were tiny fucking number : big fucking number of happening, it is still possible. oh and by the way, WHERE'S YOUR FUCKING EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT YOUR FUCKING THEORY (flawed as it is)?... epic fail

he said that intelligent design "would not have been an issue, if we were living in the time of Galileo (didn't the people who believe in the same bull shit as Ben Stein kill Galileo) (1564 -1642), or Einstein (1879 - 1955)" how many decades / centuries is that? i wonder what else has changed since then in the realm of science and sociality? and maybe it's go something to do with the fact that back then education was shit on a stick (shittier) (queue US education system jokes... NOW!). you stupid twat!

then there's few .5 second quotes / snippets from Richard Dawkins and other presumably smart scientist people that i've never heard of, apart from that cool lady.. you were awesome in Penn & Teller's Bullshit episode on creationism (S01E08), you ripped those bastards a new one. quotes without context, doesn't give your case much creditability... so can we get some FUCKING CONTEXT!... please, YOU FUCKING BASTARD

one of Richard Dawkins' quotes was "As a scientist, I am pretty hostile to a rival doctrine." this could mean fucking anything, great journalism skills you douche bag. to defend Richard Dawkins, i would like to note that he is open and supports to new ideas a gives them opportunities to prove their worth (or lack of). in one of his many documentaries, in "The Root Of All Evil - Part 1 - The God Delusion" (13:19 minutes in) he tells a the following short story...
Science is about testing, comparing, corroborating this massive evidence. And using it to update old theories of how things work.

I do remember one formative influence in my undergraduate life. There was an elderly professor in my department who had been passionately keen on a particular theory for, oh! a number of years! And one day a visiting American researcher came and he completely and utterly disproved our old man’s hypothesis. The old man strode to the front, shook his hand and said, my dear fellow, I wish to thank you! I have been wrong these 15 years!

And we all clapped our hands raw! That was the scientific ideal. Of somebody who had a lot invested, a lifetime almost invested in a particular theory and he was rejoicing that he had been shown wrong and that scientific truth had been advanced

Ben Stein the goes on to says "People who are confident in their ideas are not afraid of criticism" he's misrepresenting the counter arguments / data as fear of criticism. it's like OOXML wanting to get in with the ISO standards, it doesn't follow the fucking rules of the group. and this analogy also works with how they'll use "dirty tricks" to get that they want. get your facts strait you multiplicative mother fucker.

the crux is that intelligent design / creationism are one in the same, based on a religion... anyone hear about that annoying separation of church and state? anything that is paid for through taxes / govt can't have religion in it... pretty sure that' includes public schools, colleges, universities, etc.

end of the day, the evidence doesn't mean shit to the Christian bullshit indoctrination “God done it” thing. they don't think, just go "it's in the bible so it must be true", and any evidence to the contrary is the devil's work. gotta give the church some credit, they sure know how to cover their ass and manipulate the masses.

I can't help but think of this quote "it must be difficult for those who take authority as truth rather than truth as authority" – I can't remember who said it, If you know who, please let me know so I can give credit and respect.

imagine a world without religion

now for some links and videos for people to watch related to the topic

Richard Dawkins - The Roof of All Evil? (Part 1:"The God Delusion" & Part 2: "The Virus of Faith")
Sexpelled: No Intercourse Allowed
Open Letter to a victim of Ben Stein's Lying propaganda
The God Who Wasn't There
Zeitgeist the Movie (Part 1: "The Greatest Story Every Told" - Part 2: "All the World's a Stage" - Part 3: "Dont' Mind the Men Behind the Curtain")
Slashdot - Ben Stein's 'Expelled' - Evolution, Academia and Conformity
Richard Dawkins - "What if you're wrong?"
George Carlin - Religion is bullshit
George Carlin - Nails It

Katy Perry - I Kissed A Girl

ok so a Miss Katy Perry (she's pretty fucking hot) made a song called "I Kissed A Girl" about (from what i gather) bi curious girls experimenting.

oh jeebus this has this pissed of a shit load of religious fuck wits (just goole it, you'll see. youtube comments are also flaming on), it's awesome. so it brings up the debate about gay, lesbian and bi rights. the religious assholes use the argument that's it's "wrong" (and so hot) cause some old book said so... you fucking sheep lemming. i'm not gonna get into how fucked up religion is, but just show that the notion that's it's wrong, is wrong. (for clarification, i'm not gay/bi)

there is nothing wrong about consenting adults doing what they enjoy. people should be able to do anything they want. with the proviso that what you do doesn't directly hurt others. for example, with alcohol you have the right to get pissed off you tits, but can't drive while intoxicated for obvious reasons. correct me if i'm wrong, there is nothing about two (not limited to two) people fucking each other senseless that hurts anyone.

if someone doesn't want to take part in X, that's their choice... but they have no right to dictate what others can a can't do. otherwise you got tyranny. as to if we already have (just the tip of the ice burg, more) that, i'll save that for another post. hint, yes we do have tyranny in the "developed world"... that includes you USA. used to be the land of the free and the home of the brave.

if you consider yourself liberal (i do), but disagree with the above.. you should find out what the definition of liberalism is.